Used for toothbrushing for individuals at high risk of caries, as recommended by a dentist
NeutraFluor 5000 Plus is a Pharmacist Only Medicine.
Active Ingredient: sodium fluoride 1.1% (w/w)
Therapeutic Indications: Self-applied topical 1.1% w/w neutral sodium fluoride toothpaste for use as a dental caries preventive in individuals at high risk for caries.
Contraindications: Known allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to any of the stated ingredients.
Special Warnings and Precaution for Use: Not for systemic treatment. DO NOT SWALLOW. Not for use in children under 10 years unless recommended by a dentist or physician. If recommended for use in children under 10 years, parental supervision of brushing should be recommended.
Used for toothbrushing for individuals at high risk of caries, as recommended by a dentist
NeutraFluor 5000 Plus is a Pharmacist Only Medicine.
Active Ingredient: sodium fluoride 1.1% (w/w)
Therapeutic Indications: Self-applied topical 1.1% w/w neutral sodium fluoride toothpaste for use as a dental caries preventive in individuals at high risk for caries.
Contraindications: Known allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to any of the stated ingredients.
Special Warnings and Precaution for Use: Not for systemic treatment. DO NOT SWALLOW. Not for use in children under 10 years unless recommended by a dentist or physician. If recommended for use in children under 10 years, parental supervision of brushing should be recommended.